David Springer
role - regional director
Hometown - bethlehem, PA
As a college student at Elon University, God providentially put several men in my life who were involved in Campus Outreach. These men challenged me to consider Jesus’ call to follow His mission to make disciples. The experience of life on life discipleship and personal evangelism, gave me a burden to build laborers on the campus. For nearly a decade, I have given myself to that end while serving on staff with Campus Outreach Charlotte. God has been incredibly faithful over this time, and we have seen significant fruit on our campuses. In order to steward this growth, the Lord has given Jamie and I a heart for reproducing this work in a new region of the country. We are excited about the opportunity to launch a team of passionate laborers to Lakeland, FL and Tampa, FL in partnership with Trinity Presbyterian Church. My wife Jamie and I have been married since 2011 and have 4 children (Abigail, Madelyn, Hudson and Luke).
Carley Naramore
Hometown - atlanta, GA
I grew up in a family that believed in God and where being a part of a church was a very ordinary way of life. I never questioned that belief in who God was but by the time I was in college, it was clear that my life did not reflect a very committed faith in God. My junior year, I met a guy in one of my classes who shared with me what a life with Christ should look like. I realized that my life was not like that and became increasingly more convicted as I began to meet his friends who were involved in Campus Outreach. One of which was a sorority sister of mine, who began to lead me in a bible study where I realized that I wanted my life to truly change. Through a series of events and relationships, God revealed to me very clearly that my life was His and I submitted full control of it to Him. I was privileged to be discipled by several Godly women and grew incredibly in my relationship with God. Upon graduation, I made the decision to work for Campus Outreach as the campus staff woman at Georgia College and have been in ministry with CO in some capacity ever since!
I had the privilege of growing up with two believing parents who taught me the gospel from an early age. During my freshman year of college at Penn State, Dave (a campus ministry worker), pursued me and shared the gospel with me. As we studied the gospel of John together over that year, I began to find Jesus compelling. I began to wrestle with the claims of Christ, as if I was hearing them for the very first time. God providentially used Dave's life, witness, and discipleship to profoundly impact my life. After my freshman year, I transferred to Samford and was immediately connected to--and would later join--the ministry of Campus Outreach. God used the ministry of Campus Outreach to deepen my walk with Christ and to teach me how to share him with others. I met my wife, Brianna, through the ministry of Campus Outreach. We've been married since 2018 and have one son named Andrew.
Graham albright
role - EXPANSION AREA director (Orlando, FL)
Hometown - columbus, OH
I grew up going to church and believed that God existed, but had never realized that He wanted to have a relationship with me. During my junior year of high school, I suffered an injury that kept me out of football for the season. This led to me becoming angry, confused, and ultimately turning to atheism. This state of unbelief lasted until my sophomore year of college, where God used a variety of circumstances to soften my heart. During this time, God providentially connected me to several staff and students involved in Campus Outreach. God used these conversations and His Word to reveal the Gospel to me, which ultimately led to me professing faith in Christ. As my desire to know more of Him grew, I found myself giving more and more of my life over to Him. God used a CO Summer Beach Project to give me vision for evangelism and discipleship. After returning to campus, God gave me a desire to invest in my teammates’ lives. The transformation I saw in and through them helped me realize that the only thing I wanted to do after school was continue to invest in college students.
Jacob mclaughlin
role - campus DIRECTOR
hometown - lithia, fl
I accepted Christ into my life at a young age. I was about as involved in church as one could possibly be. I loved Jesus, and serving him was something I just did. It was always easy for me to walk with God because it was almost always beneficial to be a Christian. That was until my junior year of college during Spring Ball when that was put to the test. I suffered a career ending injury that left me wondering, “why would I be doing everything right for a God who does not even want what is best for me?” Through a great deal of circumstances God showed me He was not the biggest thing I wanted. Now I am extremely excited about helping point students to Christ, and show them He is the only thing truly worth living for.
Kristin Littlejohn
role - women’s coordinator / CAMPUS STAFF
Hometown - ocean isle beach, NC
I was raised in a Christian home and came to know the Lord when I was 8 through a church camp. However, much of my younger years were spent going through the motions of the Christian life. I had little investment and never really learned what it truly meant to follow Christ. It was not until I arrived at college that I ran into a senior involved in Campus Outreach. Through Katy’s life and friendship, the Lord began to reveal to me that if my very identity was found in Christ, then my life should reflect that reality. Over the course of the next few years, God used staff and students involved with Campus Outreach in mighty ways in my life. The growth I experienced in college has given me a desire to build laborers on the college campus in order to reach the nations.
I came into college hopeful to find a strong community to grow in my faith. After my first few months at Western Carolina, I met students and staff in Campus Outreach. My life and college experience completely changed. I learned how to read my bible, pray, and share my faith. During my time at WCU, I had the privilege of seeing multiple students come to faith and seeing transformation in the lives of girls who I had been sharing the Gospel with on campus. This grew my heart for ministry, and I trusted the Lord was leading me to serve on staff. I hope to see more students come to faith now at Florida Southern as they experience the joy of salvation, know more of Christ, and become equipped with tools that they can carry and leverage to walk with the Lord for a lifetime.
JAXON Naramore
Growing up in a faithfully devoted Christian household, I’ve had the immense grace of being raised in a world where God was my Creator, Jesus was my Savior, and the ultimate aim of my life - modeled for me by my parents - was to love others well. When I was 6 years old, my parents walked me through a prayer to receive Christ into my heart. Since then, my sanctification has been about increasingly taking ownership of my faith and living outwardly rather than just inwardly. It was my parent’s worship of the Lord through my mom’s heart transplant as well as my survival of a life-threatening car accident in high school that both challenged my perspective on the measure of my days here on earth. In college at USF, God used Campus Outreach to fully open my eyes to see the importance of living out abiding in the Word, life-on-life discipleship, and reflecting the burden of Jesus’ heart for those who don’t know Him across the world. Campus Outreach was the vehicle that saved my parents in college and later radically changed how I live my daily life for the Lord and His kingdom. Thus, I am now overjoyed to labor on staff with CO in order to bring Jesus to the nations through the next generation of world leaders.
I have been a believer my entire life, however, I began developing a true relationship with Jesus my freshman year of high school through getting involved with my youth group. Coming into college, I knew I wanted to go into ministry, but I had no idea what that would look like. Although I spent the majority of my time in college feeling confused and in the dark as to what I would do after graduation, the Lord was leading me the entire time. I got involved with Campus Outreach my first semester, and became more and more involved over the years. The investment that I personally received from staff, and the ministry the Lord allowed me personally to walk in, grew a desire in me to fully invest my life into the mission of this ministry. Through my time with Campus Outreach, the Lord has placed a burden on my heart to help college students find their identity in christ and walk in their Great Commission purposes.
Craig nagle
Hometown - coral springs, fl
Growing up, the majority of my life was centered around sports and Baseball. Being from a Jewish home I spent time in synagogue where we focused on repetitive prayers, bible stories, and traditions. I went off to college at Florida Southern to play baseball. My first semester I met Graham who was on staff with Campus Outreach. He was persistent in pursuing me through sharing meals as well as the gospel with me. After a season ending injury which drove my unsatisfying pursuit of pleasures, the Lord began to break me and bring me to the end of myself. That summer I attended CO’s Summer Project and was heavily impacted by the love I experienced from fellow believers, the word of God, and prayer. Attending the project shaped the remainder of my college career through learning how to live with an identity rooted in Christ, pursue Jesus personally, and make Christ known to others. Having been transformed by the Gospel my desire is to walk with college students as they come to find fullness of joy and their eternal purpose in the God who calls us to Himself!
role - campus staff
hometown - orlando, FL
Being raised in a loving Christian home, I just assumed I was a Christian and tried to live as good person. Towards the end of my high school years I experienced some major disappoints in my life, leaving me angry at God and confused by His character. I started college the next year with those same emotions but wanting to get involved with a ministry because that was my norm. My first semester I met a CO staff women and we began to read the bible together. This exposure to God’s Word revealed my hard heart and clear misunderstanding of God’s mercy and grace being the sole thing gifting me an intimate relationship with my Maker. As God used CO and the local church to grow my understanding and love for Him, my desire to see others experience this same transformation also grew. God has been so good to show me the value of investing in college students, seeing their lives given over to the Lord, and I want to see that cycle continue on the college campus!
I grew up in a Christian home, knowing all the right things to say and do, but my heart remained distant from the Lord. It wasn’t until my sophomore year of college that I truly recognized my sin and my deep need for a Savior. Through my many mistakes, I’ve come to understand the depth of His grace and mercy, as He calls us to come to Him just as we are. Campus Outreach had a profound impact on my college years, shaping both my relationships with others and my walk with the Lord. It taught me what it truly means to live out my faith, not just speak it. I am incredibly excited to join the ministry that transformed my life and to share with others the greatest news of all—the Good News of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior—and point them to the One who truly matters.
Why was God going to keep me around if I was going to be this miserable? I asked myself this question when I was at the lowest point of my life. Thankfully, I was raised by two wonderful, Christ-following parents who constantly led me to the watering hole when it came to Christ. I knew they wanted the best for me and provided all they had. Due to this, I couldn’t blame my unsatisfied state on anyone else but me and the fact that I was relying on myself to win at life. I desperately wanted the approval of my parents, friends, and girls but I just couldn't succeed. After God moved me to a place of great need He slowly revealed to me the immense vacuum of a hole inside me that couldn't be filled by His creation. It needed something grander, and that could only be Him. Through His wooing and faithful men from Campus Outreach involving themselves in my life, I saw my sin and need for Him and was finally able to be in awe of Him. I want to spend my life having fun and displaying Him within the cool opportunities He has provided me.
Role - Contingent EXPANSION campus staff
Growing up in the Christian faith I developed a knowledge-based understanding of the gospel, but it didn’t penetrate my heart until my sophomore year of high school. Feeling a lack of control and hope for the future I realized my identity was dependent on what others thought of me. My perfectionism had built an image I couldn’t hold onto anymore. That was when God truly transformed my heart to see that it was Him who I needed. Despite my imperfections Christ was perfect, so I didn’t have to be. Coming to college I had a desire to pursue God, but I became easily distracted by friends, relationships, and academics, which lead me to fall back into old habits of false self-identity. Fortunately, through involvement in a strong church community and consistent Christian discipleship with Campus Outreach, God grew my heart to not only see the value of the gospel for myself but to gain a deep desire to share it with others, truly putting Him above everything else. Walking through college with Campus Outreach helping to change and sharpen my mind-set and mission, God has given me a desire to put aside my career and pursue college ministry full time. I’m so excited to help launch the expansion of Campus Outreach to Orlando, Florida.
My first time going to church was before I even took my first breath—my mother carried me through its doors while I was still in the womb. For the next 18 years of my life, my “Christian” life was nothing more than a routine, a series of boxes I checked off rather than a loving devotion I embraced. I was immersed in a faith I had never truly made my own, and I eventually realized that I was trying to live a Christian life without Christ Himself. It was an empty pursuit, a life I spent clinging to a title and nothing else, completely devoid of the One it revolves around. Then, in my final semester of high school, something changed. Perhaps for the first time, I opened my Bible outside of a Sunday service—not out of obligation, but out of a deep conviction I couldn't quite explain. At that moment, the words leaped off the page. God’s Word was no longer ink on paper; it was alive, piercing through my indifference and awakening me. Then, I truly surrendered, placing my faith in Christ—not as some principle, but as the Savior who had been pursuing me all along. Now, my greatest passion is to help others encounter the same life-altering power of the gospel, to lead them beyond mere Christianity to the foot of the cross.
Growing up in a Christian household meant that I learned from a young age how to do what ‘good’ Christians did, but my actions were often driven by self-glorification rather than a genuine heart for God. Around senior year I started to recognize my struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder which I later learned was rooted in a deeper desire for control over my own life. This struggle persisted throughout much of high school and early college. I felt trapped in my own thoughts daily, often believing the lie that my works would save my life. It wasn’t until CO’s Summer Project that I realized I could actually be set free from OCD. Through conversations I had with friends there, God changed my heart and I truly encountered his grace. Through this ministry, I have met people who live lives that exemplify what Paul says here in Philippians, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Therefore out of recognition of all that God has done, I know that there is nothing I would rather do than to partner with the laborers in this ministry.
We not only love and champion our staff, but their wonderful spouses too!
Each spouse’s support of our ministry is such a blessing to us, thus, Campus Outreach works hard to help sustain the families who in countless ways make the work we do possible.